Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Testing, Testing....1, 2, 3!

Hello World, we're live! I'm excited to start this new journey with you into the blogging world! As such, my wish is to consistently update my blog with some of my creative adventures, inspirations I find along the way, and last but not least, make new friends and communicate with old ones too.  As a Mommy of three, I know this will pose somewhat of a challenge but I look forward to it.  Afterall, they say it's not really work if you enjoy doing it.....and that I do!  So to start things off, I thought I would show you the Logo I came up with for my Blog.  It was so much fun creating....I hope you like it!


  1. I <3 it!!! I will follow you along the way on your creative adventures. This will be a fun journey. :-) (JesHern)

  2. Love that your so creative and want for us to follow along your journey count me in...

  3. Thanks for the support ladies! It means soo much to me! We can consider it our blog!
